1.What do you think about the importance of Splitgraphic as an international graphic art biennial?
You can count Splitgraphic as one of the reputable international biennials.
This biennial is getting more and more known allover the world.
2.What is your experience of participating at Splitgraphic International Graphic Art Biennial?
For me it was an excellent experience. Beautifull place in the middle of the old city, the Old City Town.
It was also very nice to see the idealism and the enthousiasm of the direction of the biennial.
Excellent catalogue, excellent organisation, many people came to visit the exhibition!
3. Can you please write your opinion about the Splitgraphic exhibitions, prints that were exhibited, and awarded artists on these past five biennials?
The exhibited prints are from good level. Many of the participating graphic artists participate also in other important international biennials all over the world. Many of them are world known.
4. Do you have any suggestion and ideas on future Splitgraphic biennials?
Maybe trying to make cooperations with other international biennials would be agood idea…. (Unfortunately at present many biennials are suffering from shortage of money and lack of support from the government…)
5. It has been idea from the start to make a Museum of Graphic Art in Split, from the donated prints of participating artists – do you think it is a good path for Splitgraphic fot the future?
Excellent idea. For example also „Biennial do Douro Portugal“ has the same idea. Douro is Unesco World Heritage and the Biennial supports tourism. I’m sure that Split biennial can improve cultural tourism in Split.