IMPACT 12 – Open Call to Participate in an Exhibition by Splitgraphic’s Marina Petit


Split Practices

This open call exhibition is inspired by a quote in an interview from a Polish printmaker Krzysztof Tomalski who, when asked about the pandemic, replied, “I do not believe in a void”, meaning that we continue to build our narratives and practices even when faced with the new normal.
DEADLINE  4 March .
Apply here:

Krzysztof Tomalski
Title: Genesis VI for Astrophysicists
Dim: 65 x 95 cm
Technique: drypoint, mezzotint, aluminum
Year: 2018
Ingrid Ledent
Title: Alteration 71 II
Dim: 100cmx130cm
Technique: Lithography and laser woodcut
Year: 2022

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